Saturday, February 12, 2011

Continuing with the idea of connectivity, as mentioned in the last blog.....
A tea leaf can only grow through the absorption of sun rays, intake of water, and the nutrients provided by the earth in which it's rooted. The sun sits about ninety-three million miles from earth and takes approximately nine seconds for its light to reach our home. Through the miracle of photosynthesis, light energy from the sun enters the life of our beloved tea leaf and is transformed into the uniqueness of the plant. Water is pulled from the earth by the power of the sun and into the sky which eventually falls at the perfect location becoming the juice and sap of tea leaf essence. The earth provides food and structure that creates the physical manifestation that makes the tea leaf a singular expression of consciousness. Ultimately, the life of a tea leaf comes to the drinker's cup, which holds the universe within it and in turn becomes the new cells that form the expression of an individual.

The simplest things in life are quite profound and the work which is required to make its reality possible is phenomenal to say the least. The human body and mind is a result of similar phenomena to that of the creation of a cup of tea, which is a reaction of a million things occurring perfectly at the right time. Yet, dissatisfaction plagues many minds in this world who forget that their health is a fragile and temporary quality to have. Many individuals are striped of pursuing their dreams due to the forces of disease as the healthy unknowingly find complaint in the trivial, criticizing the things that deserve one's gratitude. Not to be confused with labeling all healthy people with this idea but to use this thought as a way to kindle one's inner fire to lessen one's suffering and the burdens of others. In a sense studying ayurveda or yoga or music or art or whatever is your inner calling is, is similar to the tea leaf receiving universal love from the cosmos and dissolving the criticism or whatever gets in the way of this yearning is one’s practice. For some the pursuit is just to heal, to defeat cancer, to walk again, to eliminate chronic pain and these people need the practice of the healthy to make their pursuit possible. 

till next time


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